Listings in Quantum Foundations

Showing 12 of 26 results
100 William T Morrissey Blvd, Boston, Massachusetts 02125, United States of America
Physics grad students at UMass Boston may pursue MS/PhD research in Biomedical Optics, Cancer Biophysics, Neuroscience, Soft Active Matter, Biological Physics, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Information, Atomic Physics, and Quantum Many-Body Physics.
524 River Street, Burchard 7th Floor, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, United States of America
Explore space, time, matter and the many other intriguing elements of the physical world.
Newark, Delaware, United States of America
The Quantum Science and Engineering program at the University of Delaware is training a new generation of scientists with the skills and knowledge required to lead this "quantum workforce."
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