Central Michigan University

201 E Ottawa Court, Dow Science Complex 201, Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48859, United States of America


Immerse yourself in hands-on experiences that will prepare you for the exciting science or technology related career you've always wanted.

The Department is a friendly and welcoming place, with social activities scheduled throughout the year. Class sizes are small, and students enjoy close interaction with instructors and with each other. Our Department faculty members are campus leaders in research productivity, creating a wealth of opportunities for our students. In addition to a very active research group in experimental and computational condensed matter physics, the department has a very active group of faculty pursuing research in experimental nuclear physics, who are also directly involved in research at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), which is an hour's drive from CMU. FRIB is a premier nuclear physics laboratory in the U.S. and our students have opportunities to become involved in this exciting, forefront science.

After earning MS degree in Physics our students have the opportunity to apply to the Physics PhD program or to the interdisciplinary Science of Advanced Materials PhD program. Our MS and PhD graduates have been very successful in the job market, and those who completed MS degree are also competitive in applying to PhD programs in physics or related disciplines at other institutions.

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Program Requirements

A total of 30 credit hours are required, plus a Thesis.
Equivalently, thesis work can be replaced by 6 credit hours of elective courses plus a small research project.

The PhD program requires 60 credits that includes classwork, research activities, and work towards dissertation.

Other degrees:
The Department of Physics participates in an interdisciplinary PhD program in the Science of Advanced Materials (SAM). See https://www.cmich.edu/colleges/se/sam/Pages/default.aspx for details. Students may begin with the MS in Physics and enter the SAM PhD program after earning the MS degree.

A written Thesis is required, along with an oral thesis defense for graduation under the Thesis option.
GRE Requirements: Recommended
Physics GRE Requirements: Recommended
TOEFL Requirements: Required

Description of your department culture

The CMU Department of Physics prides itself in maintaining a balance between excellent teaching and innovative, high-quality research. Classes are small, and students receive individual attention from their professors. The department is a friendly place, and CMU benefits from a lively, Midwestern college town atmosphere. There are research opportunities for students in a variety of areas in the department, taking advantage of our outstanding laboratory and computing facilities.