Results for physics

Showing 12 of 312 results
524 River Street, Burchard 7th Floor, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, United States of America
Explore space, time, matter and the many other intriguing elements of the physical world.
501 Crescent Street, ASL-108, New Haven, Connecticut 06515, United States of America
The Master of Science program in Applied Physics is an interdisciplinary program that offers students the opportunity to complete graduate studies in physics with a particular emphasis on applied research and technology development for the industry.
777 Glades Road SE43-108, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, United States of America
The Department of Physics offers undergraduate programs leading to both BS and BA degrees. The Bachelor of Arts program offers a specialization in physics to students desiring a general cultural education.
950 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01610, United States of America
Our program, which offers a Ph.D. in experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics and biophysics, emphasizes active learning — with research beginning in a student’s first semester.
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078, United States of America
The Physics Graduate Program at OSU prepares students to be competitive in a wide variety of career opportunities, ranging from science and engineering to law and business.
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