Listings in Applied Physics

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801 Leroy Place, Workman Center, Socorro, New Mexico 87801, United States of America
Physicists ask the most fundamental questions about science. Why are we here? What are we made of? What happens if I run 100,000 Amps through a gas or have a magnetic field with more energy per volume than TNT?
100 William T Morrissey Blvd, Boston, Massachusetts 02125, United States of America
Physics grad students at UMass Boston may pursue MS/PhD research in Biomedical Optics, Cancer Biophysics, Neuroscience, Soft Active Matter, Biological Physics, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Information, Atomic Physics, and Quantum Many-Body Physics.
400 S. Orange Ave, Physics Dept., New Jersey 07079, United States of America
The M.S. in Applied Physics and Engineering program prepares students with the education and professional skills to be essential societal contributors in the 21st century science, technology, engineering and mathematics workforce.
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