Listings near United States of America

Showing 12 of 309 results
Master’s of Physics—Quantum Science track
Master’s of Physics—Quantum Science track
Physics & Astronomy/Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08554-8019, United States of America
University of Cincinnati Department of Physics
University of Cincinnati Department of Physics
Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati, 345 Clifton Court, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0011, United States of America
371 Marshall W. Alworth Hall 1023 University Dr, Duluth, Minnesota 55812, United States of America
A MS degree for students who want to engage in research or prepare for a Ph.D. program or industry career. Traditional physics or interdisciplinary focus areas, including environment, Earth science, material science, and oceanography.
3400 Civic Center Blvd., 2W Radiation Oncology, Perelman Center For Advanced Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States of America
640 South Shaw Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, United States of America
Propel your future in nuclear science: At the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University, graduate-students answer fundamental questions in the areas of nuclear physics and chemistry, and accelerator physics and engineering.
574 Boston Avenue, Suite 304, Medford, Massachusetts 02155, United States of America
In the spirit of our motto, Pax et Lux (“Peace and Light”), Tufts University faculty and students work together as active global citizens, illuminating each other and the world.