Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Frost once identified our campus as "the most beautiful campus that ever there was."
Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Frost once identified our campus as "the most beautiful campus that ever there was." We couldn't agree more. In addition to four seasons and natural beauty surrounding Oxford, Ohio, the Physics Department at Miami University provides educational and life experience unlike any other. From dedicated faculty and support staff to students who have chosen to call it "home," we welcome you to visit and decide for yourself.
For the thesis option, a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate course work, research, and thesis credit is required. You must write a thesis proposal and defend it before your thesis committee. Subsequent completion and defense of the thesis are required. For the non-thesis option, a minimum of 36 semester hours of graduate credit is required. A comprehensive examination must also be passed.
The thesis option is strongly recommended. For either the thesis or non-thesis option, you are expected to show proficiency in the areas of quantum physics, classical mechanics, electromagnetism, statistical physics, and mathematical methods used in physics. Evidence of proficiency means successful completion of courses at the graduate level. Graduate course work is selected in consultation with the thesis director (thesis option) and graduate program director.
GRE Requirements:
Physics GRE Requirements:
TOEFL Requirements:
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Description of your department culture
The people of Miami University's Physics Department enjoy a variety of social events. The annual Super Bowl of Chili, held on the Friday before the Super Bowl, is a "pitch-in" luncheon in the department office. Other annual events include a Teaching Assistant Workshop and the spring and fall picnics hosted by the students in Society of Physics Students (SPS). Occasional activities include attending community events, game night and gaming tournaments, and other outings. Close interaction is the norm for research with faculty and undergraduates in our department, and some of our graduate students remain active in SPS, including field trips and outreach with students at local schools.
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