
Welcome to the Homer L. Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Oklahoma.

Since 1909 the Department has had a tradition of educating scientists, engineers, and teachers who have distinguished themselves as leaders in industry and academia. With its three degree programs (Physics, Astrophysics and Engineering Physics) our department is home to graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty members, research scientists, and staff with a wide range of interests.  

Our department is home to the newly established Center for Quantum Research and Technology located in the newly constructed Lin Hall, which contains 18,000 sq. ft. of world class research space for experimental AMO and Condensed Matter Physics that meets NIST-A requirements for vibration, temperature, and humidity. We also have institutional access to the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m telescope located in Sunspot, New Mexico.

Program Requirements

Application deadline: January 15, 2024

Bachelor's degree requirements:
Bachelor's degree in physics or astronomy is strongly suggested.

Minimum undergraduate GPA: 3.0
GRE Requirements: Not Required
Physics GRE Requirements: Not Required
TOEFL Requirements: Required

Description of your department culture

Graduate students play an integral role in developing and advancing our research endeavors, our teaching activities, and our public outreach efforts. Our graduate students enjoy shared governance in our department, and serve on major departmental committees and faculty search committees. Our GPSI graduate-student group serves as an effective organization to represent the needs, concerns, and activities of our graduate students both within our department and within the broader University. We also have active Women in Physics group and Lunar Sooners education/public outreach groups.

We build community in our department via daily coffee/tea gatherings. We also exchange scientific ideas and thoughts during our weekly colloquium series, and weekly journal clubs in each of our research specialties (Astronomy, High Energy Physics, Quantum (CM/AMO) physics, and Engineering Physics).