
We Love Notre Dame Graduate Students!

Pursuing an advanced degree requires intense focus, discipline, commitment, and even sacrifice, but it also requires a living, breathing, functioning person. Furthermore, it demands maturity, persistence, creativity, and a sense of purpose. These and other attributes of successful graduate students are nurtured in academic as well as co-curricular settings. To apply go to:  https://graduateschool.nd.edu/admissions/.

Our aim is to cultivate a community of learning with an emphasis on healthy and holistic development of mind, heart, body, and spirit. Visit Graduate Student Life to learn about life as a graduate Student at Notre Dame. http://gradlife.nd.edu/

Program Requirements

Bachelor's degree requirements:
Bachelor's degree in Physics is required.

Minimum undergraduate GPA: 3.2
GRE Requirements: Not Required
Physics GRE Requirements: Not Required
TOEFL Requirements: Required

Description of your department culture

Graduate students admitted to the Department of Physics at the University of Notre Dame are expected to complete their Ph.D. The department has a strong sense of camaraderie and collaboration. All first-year graduate students share a common study space. Incoming students are invited to participate in three, 3-week summer preparation courses prior to their first fall semester. The department has a broad range of strong research areas. There is a focus on professional development for the students. Social activities in the department include happy hours, intermural sports teams, and seasonal activities.