University of Missouri, Columbia - Department of Physics and Astronomy

223 Physics Building, 701 South College Ave, Columbia, Missouri 65211, United States of America


The University of Missouri offers exceptional academic opportunities for graduate study in physics and astronomy.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is a growing, world‐class department with strong programs in research and academics, nationally and internationally recognized faculty members, ties to physics‐related industries, and a demonstrated record of student success.

The members of the Physics Department are committed to teaching, research, and service to the MU Community. The Department is well known for its accomplishments in basic and applied scientific research.

Our faculty members lead research programs in Biological Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics and General Relativity, and Physics Education.

The Department strives to provide every graduate student the opportunity to fully realize his or her potential in a learning environment dedicated to excellence and to giving each individual student the one‐on‐one attention they need.

In our department, you will be individually known by our faculty, and you will share in the unique opportunity of being part of and shaping the future of our department and of physics.

Program Requirements

Bachelor's degree requirements:
A Bachelor's degree in Physics or related fields is required.

Minimum undergraduate GPA: 3.0
GRE Requirements: Recommended
Physics GRE Requirements: Recommended
TOEFL Requirements: Required

Description of your department culture

The University of Missouri offers exceptional academic opportunities for graduate study in physics and astronomy. The Department of Physics and Astronomy allows close contact between faculty and students in a friendly environment while providing outstanding research facilities both on and off campus. We currently have 54 graduate students, all of whom receive financial support in the form of research and teaching assistantships and various kinds of fellowships. The student-to-faculty ratio is approximately 2:1. Class sizes are typically small. Our Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association (PAGSA) is very active in the department and organizes a variety of academic and social events. At the beginning of each fall semester, there are orientation meetings and welcome events for the new graduate students.