The Department of Physics has a vibrant community of graduate students and 32 full-time faculty working in cutting-edge research fields in areas of Astrophysics, Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics and Nuclear and Particle Physics.
The University of Connecticut is consistently ranked the Number 1 Public University in New England. The University’s first Physical Review article was published in 1899, and the first physics course was taught in 1918. The Department of Physics granted its first Ph.D. in 1954. One (so far) of the Department’s Graduate Students, David M. Lee, went to receive a Nobel Prize in Physics. The Department of Physics offers a wide range of graduate and undergraduate courses, as well as a vibrant research program with 32 full-time faculty.
Video Gallery
Hermite-Gaussian modes from an optical cavity Dr. Daniel McCarron
Auto-locking optical cavities Dr. Daniel McCarron
The Wild West of Star Formation Dr. Cara Battersby
Our View of the Universe: From Hubble to James Webb | Jonathan Trump | TEDxUConn
For the Thesis MS degree, 21 credits of graduate courses and 9 additional credits of Master's Thesis Research, and a thesis, are required. For the Non-Thesis MS degree, 30 credits of graduate courses are required. Either of these degrees may (but need not) be part of a Ph.D. program. The courses submitted must be approved in advance by the student's Advisory Committee. An average of B or better must be maintained. For the Thesis MS degree, a final oral examination is required. There is no foreign language or residency requirement.
The student must complete a plan of study of extent and quality satisfactory to the student's Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School. Ordinarily, the program will include at least 15 credits beyond the master's degree, and 15 credits of Doctoral Dissertation Research. An average of B or better must be maintained. At least one year must be in residence. The General Examination must be taken by the end of the fifth semester. There is no foreign language or residency requirement.
GRE Requirements:
Not Required
Physics GRE Requirements:
Not Required
TOEFL Requirements:
Description of your department culture
The UConn Physics Department is committed to maintaining a culturally diverse, non-gender-biased environment conducive to academic success. When Cynthia Peterson joined the Physics Department in 1968, she was the lone woman among her male peers and one of the few tenure-track faculty in physics in the country. Today, the department has nine teaching and tenure-track female faculty members.Our thriving Women in Physics professional group hosts a weekly coffee hour support group, as well as informative meetings with visiting female speakers. Our distinguished faculty and top-notch graduate students hail from around the world. This diversity is celebrated at our annual potluck dinner holiday party, hosted by the Physics Graduate Student Association (PGSA), which features a smorgasbord of multicultural dishes. The PGSA also sponsors weekly seminars, our annual department Ice Cream Social, a graduate student Halloween party, and our end of the year department picnic. The UConn Physics Department holds colloquia every Friday afternoon, an event preceded by refreshments and open to students and the public.
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