The Department of Physics offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics, Space Physics and Interdisciplinary Studies. The department works closely with research members of the UAF Geophysical Institute.
UAF is Alaska’s designated research campus and America's Arctic University. With 9 faculty members, the Physics Department is large enough to have a vibrant undergraduate and graduate program while small enough to give close individual attention to our students.
UAF has a strong research emphasis on the Physics of the Earth and near-Earth space environments. Our faculty study Earth's and other planets' magnetosphere, plasma physics in general, space weather, and upper atmosphere physics. Most research happens at the world-renowned Geophysical Institute, where research topics range from the center of the Earth to the center of the Sun. Other topics include non-linear dynamics, ice physics, physics education, and condensed matter physics.
The Geophysical Institute operates its own rocket range and auroral observatory (Poker Flats Research Range) and the world's most powerful radar facility to study the ionosphere (HAARP). Both facilities are regularly used by our graduate students.
The Master's degree in Physics is offered with a concentration in Physics, Computational Physics, or Space Physics.
(a) Thesis Option: The minimum number of credits that must be earned is 30 semester hours, of which 24cr must be from course work. A thesis is required and an oral defense of the thesis must be taken in conjunction with a comprehensive/final examination. The examining committee shall consist of the candidate's advisory committee.
(b) Project Option: A non-thesis Master's degree requires a minimum of 33 credits, of which 30cr are from course work. Three credits must be devoted to a short research project resulting in a written report.
In both cases (a, b), a maximum of 9 semester hours of credit from another institution may be transferred to UAF and applied toward a master's degree upon approval of the student's advisory committee and the dean of the college or school in which the student is enrolled.
All work toward the fulfillment of a master's degree must be completed in 7 years.
We offer a Ph.D. degree in Physics and a Ph.D. degree in Space Physics. In both cases, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is granted for proven ability and scholarly attainment. There are no fixed credit requirements for this degree. However, coursework will be set by individual student's background, coursework requirements for passing Ph.D. comprehensive examination, and research requirements. The student's graduate advisory committee and the student will prepare the student's graduate study plan for the degree.
The Ph.D. comprehensive examination needs to be taken after the fourth semester. All work toward the fulfillment of a Ph.D. degree must be completed within 10 years.
GRE Requirements:
Physics GRE Requirements:
Not Required
TOEFL Requirements:
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Description of your department culture
UAF is Alaska’s designated research campus and America's Arctic University. With 9 faculty members, the Physics Department is large enough to have a vibrant undergraduate and graduate program while small enough to give close individual attention to our students.
UAF is located in the heart of Alaska surrounded by the most remote wilderness in the country. Students as well as faculty enjoy the miles of hiking and cross country ski trails that begin right behind the science buildings on the university's West Ridge. Incredible shows like the Aurora Borealis, Green Flashes, Sun Dogs, and all kinds of other amazing optical phenomena are frequent topics for discussion and photography. Students, staff and faculty enjoy various department events throughout throughout the year. The department, as well as our graduate student organization (PGSA) helps all incoming students with non-academic questions, ranging from winterizing their car, cabin life, to the shutter speed in auroral photography. The PGSA organizes smaller hikes e.g., in Denali National Park and other fun events.
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University of Alaska, Fairbanks
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