The Department of Physics offers Ph.D. degrees through an increasingly strong, broad, and diverse, graduate program that successfully prepares our students for careers in academia, industry, and teaching.
From quarks to the cosmos — US News and World Reports ranks our graduate program: #23 Physics Department #13 Cosmology #15 Elementary Particle Physics #20 Condensed Matter
We are a leading institution in granting PhD Physics degrees.
The Department of Physics offers the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees through an increasingly strong, broad, and diverse, graduate program that successfully prepares our students for careers in academia, industry, and teaching. The size and breadth of our faculty enables us to be in the top 10–20 nationally in the number of Ph.D. degrees awarded annually, offering world-class training in a wide variety of research areas, including a Physics Education Research group that is a leader in developing innovative graduate education.
The most recent ranking of physics departments by the National Research Council places Ohio State (approximately) 24th nationally and 13th among public universities.
Minimum Requirements
Applicants to the Physics Graduate Program must meet the following criteria of the OSU Graduate School:
-an earned baccalaureate or professional degree from an accredited college or university by the expected date of entry.
-a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative point-hour ratio (on the 4.0 scale used at this university) in the last degree relevant to the program of study earned by the applicant. For international students, the GPA is calculated on the home institution’s grading scheme and the grade key on the transcript is then utilized to approximate an equivalent US grade based on the educational system of that country.
-prerequisite training that will enable the student to pursue the graduate program to which admission is sought, e.g., upper level physics courses, lab or research experience.
-International students must meet the minimum score requirement of an English proficiency test, as listed below. This requirement applies only to any applicant from a country where the first language is not English, unless a bachelor’s degree or higher was earned in an English-speaking country.
TOEFL- 550, internet based TOEFL (IBT)- 79, Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)- 82, International English Language Testing System (IELST)- 7.0
GRE Requirements:
Not Required
Physics GRE Requirements:
Not Required
TOEFL Requirements:
Description of your department culture
The faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Physics take part in several activities aimed at engaging the public and cultivating an interest in science among young people.
The OSU Women in Physics Blog aspires to give young people, especially females, a sense of what it is like to live a life in physics, whether it be studying, researching, or teaching.
GRASP (Girls Reaching to Achieve in Sports and Physics) is an annual summer camp that allows middle school girls to learn about physics and how it relates to different sports. This program is currently on hiatus.
Breakfast of Science Champions - This annual program invites middle school children from the Columbus Public Schools to breakfast and then provides a program of a short lecture followed by hands-on fun experiments in physics. The Center for Emergent Materials has organized this effort in physics an includes physics faculty, staff and students.
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