
We are an inclusive department in which all students are welcome to study the cosmos! We offer an M.S. Physics and an M.S. Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Mission Statement:

The fields of physics & astronomy use the scientific method to investigate the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos and all its contents, from subatomic particles to the cosmic web of galaxies on the largest observable scales in the universe and beyond. The pursuit of science is a human endeavor, and our department welcomes the full spectrum of humanity to contribute their perspectives, passions, and skills to scientific exploration.

The mission of San Francisco State University’s Department of Physics & Astronomy is to equip students from all backgrounds with foundational content knowledge in classical mechanics, electricity & magnetism, special & general relativity, thermodynamics & statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and astronomy & astrophysics; to provide “hands-on” training in theoretical, experimental, observational, and computational techniques for pure research and industrial and “real-world” applications; to mentor students to embrace an empirical, scientific framework to expand the boundaries of knowledge through novel research, and, ultimately, to create diverse STEM leaders, teachers, and policy-makers ready to tackle the most challenging problems facing society locally and globally.

Future outcomes:

Roughly one-third of our graduates go on to PhD Programs. In recent years, our students have gone on to U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Santa Cruz, U.C. Davis, UCLA, U.C. Irvine, U.C. Riverside, U.C. Santa Barbara, U.C. San Diego, USC, Stanford U., Harvard U., Yale U., Johns Hopkins U., New York U., U. Pennsylvania, U. Michigan, Boston College, U. Notre Dame, McGill U., U. Washington, U. Colorado, Arizona State U., Northern Arizona U., New Mexico State U., U. Connecticut, U. Maryland, U. North Carolina, Oregon State U., Temple U., U. Oklahoma. One-third of our graduates go into industry (industrial labs, software engineering, data science), including Google, Apple, Space X, Amazon.

One-third of our graduates go into science education and outreach (high schools, community colleges, science museums), including the California Academy of Sciences, Exploratorium, Chabot Space & Science Center. Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sfsu-physics-astronomy

Program Requirements

We accept students in the spring for an August start. The priority admissions deadline is April 1, but we will still accept applications through May 1. Applications received by April 1 will receive full consideration, whereas applications received later will be considered if we have available positions in the program. Applicants apply online at the Cal State Apply website. Required application materials include:

(1) Transcripts from all previous institutions of higher education, and
(2) Two letters of recommendation from instructors or advisors who know you well.
We do not require the GRE General or Physics tests.

Ideal preparation for the graduate program includes a bachelor's degree in physics, astronomy/astrophysics, or related field with a 3.0 grade point average in the last 60 units of the undergraduate degree and a 3.0 in all physics, astronomy & math courses. Students with slightly lower GPAs may be admitted on a case-by-case basis, and will require a petition to and approval from the Graduate Division.

Students with degrees other than physics, astronomy/astrophysics, or closely related fields are welcome to apply. Before applying, such students should still have completed calculus I, II, III, a course in linear algebra and differential equations (two separate courses or a combined course), a complete calculus-based survey of introductory physics (often called University Physics I, II, III or Physics for Scientists & Engineers I, II, III), and a course in computer programming (preferably Python). If admitted, students will still need to complete the core upper-division (junior/senior) classes in the undergraduate curriculum before starting graduate coursework.

GRE Requirements: Not Required
Physics GRE Requirements: Not Required
TOEFL Requirements: Required

Description of your department culture

SF State Dept. of Physics & Astronomy on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sfsu-physics-astronomy

SF State S.P.A.C.E. Club (Students of Physics & Astronomy - A Community for Everyone) on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PAC.SFSU/

Astronomers for Planet Earth (A4PE): https://astronomersforplanet.earth

Astronomers for Planet Earth (A4PE) on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/astro4earth