IU’s Department of Physics is known for conducting world-leading research across a wide portfolio of sub-disciplines in physics.
We have strong research groups in many subfields of physics; please see the latest detailed descriptions of that work and the people doing it under "research" on our homepage at physics.indiana.edu. In particular, we have very active groups working in high energy physics theory and experiment, nuclear physics theory and experiment, condensed matter physics, astrophysics (especially in the area of neutrino physics), gravity, biophysics, and atomic/molecular/optics.
We have several centers of cutting-edge research in which physics faculty are involved. A large part of our efforts in nuclear and condensed matter physics are conducted at the IU Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter (ceem.indiana.edu). This center houses a low-energy neutron source (LENS) where students can work hands-on with advanced experimental equipment for their Ph.D. research.
The IU Center for Spacetime Symmetries focuses study on various symmetries of nature and how they may be broken. IU Ph.D.alumni occupy positions of leadership in academia, industry, and national laboratories, and our recent graduates have been quite successful in the job market both inside and outside of physics. Every effort is made to accept only people who we believe will complete the Ph.D. program successfully.
Details about our graduate program can be found from our physics department web page under "Degree Programs". In particular, all incoming students receive consideration for an annual stipend and for tuition fee assistance. You do not have to fill out a special form to apply for these. Nearly all of our doctoral graduate students receive a stipend and tuition assistance while enrolled in our program. Additional fellowships and programs can be viewed at https://physics.indiana.edu/graduate/fellowships-awards/index.html.
Master of Science: 30 semester hours, at least 20 in physics, 14 of which must be in courses numbered P501 and higher passed with an average grade of “B” or higher. Physics courses numbered below P501 and passed with a grade of “B−” or lower do not count toward this degree. (Seminar, research, and reading courses may not be counted toward the 14 hour requirement.)
Master of Science in Beam Physics and Technology (a national program in collaboration with the U.S. Particle Accelerator School, USPAS): 30 credit hours, including the following: P441 (or equivalent at another institution), P506 (or equivalent), P570, one course at the 500 level or above in laboratory techniques or computational methods, and a master's thesis course (P802). Four advanced courses in beam physics should be chosen from among the special topics courses P571, P671, and P672, with topics to be listed in a syllabus prepared jointly by the I.U. Physics Department and the USPAS. A grade point average of 3.0 or better must be maintained in the courses satisfying the 30 credit-hour requirement. In particular, both P441 and P506 (or equivalents) must be passed with a grade B (3.0) or above. Master's examination is required. Thesis is required. Either an oral defense of the thesis or a written final examination is required and should take place at Indiana University. The written examination may be substituted for the oral defense only with the permission of the thesis committee.
Master of Science in Medical Physics: A total of 40 credit hours of which at least 18 credit hours must be in physics courses numbered 501 or above. Seminars, research, and reading courses may not be counted toward this 18 credit hour requirement. Required courses include: P576 Introduction to Medical Diagnostic Imaging, P572 Radiation Oncology Physics, P526 Principles of Health Physics and Dosimetry, P578 Radiation Biophysics, P683 Practicum in Medical Physics, and one course in scientific ethics. A580 Human Anatomy for Medical Imaging Evaluation, S520 Statistical Methods, and P551 Experiments in Modern Physics are also required if an equivalent course has not been completed previously. Either a research thesis or a written final examination is required.
90 semester hours in course, reading, and research credits; a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester at the P501 level or above with an average grade of “B” or higher (first-year students are allowed a minimum of 7 credit hours at the P501 level or above); minor requirement can be met either outside of the Department of Physics or within Physics but outside of the student's area of thesis research; written qualifying examination; candidacy seminar; thesis; final oral examination; a minimum of two consecutive semesters in residence. All candidates are required to undertake supervised teaching as an associate instructor for at least one semester. All first-time teaching associate instructors must enroll in a one-hour graduate credit course “Practicum in Physics Laboratory.” Associate instructors whose native language is not English are required to take an “Associate Instructor English Examination,” which they must pass in order to be qualified to teach. This examination must be passed by the end of the second year of study.
GRE Requirements:
Not Required
Physics GRE Requirements:
Not Required
TOEFL Requirements:
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Indiana University, Bloomington - Department of Physics